
Friday, January 20, 2012

Start with the Basics...Classic Roast Chicken!

It’s time. Time for me to share! It seems that I am always texting and emailing some of my favorite recipes to family, friends and former colleagues so now I have one central place to share some delectable recipes from my repertoire and a place to share and receive feedback as I go through some new recipe development.
I will admit that this blog was born from a moment I had, a final straw moment, in Costco no less. I have learned in the last year and a half of my SAHM-hood that I seem to have moments of reflection in strange places…a lot. Like the gym where my children practice gymnastics four hours per week, the shower the only place I get quiet time and yes as I mentioned, Costco. So there I was on one of my monthly “stock up” trips to Costco, not my favorite place to shop, I had my eco friendly handbag, green tea in a commuter mug made from recycled materials and of course my reusable bags, and there I was standing and waiting in an unusually long line for a weekday morning. So naturally I began to look around me at the other patrons in the store. Most of us seemed to be SAHMs taking advantage of the opportunity to shop at the big box store on a Wednesday morning. The mother next to me caught my eye at first because I recognized and empathized with the “tired mom” expression and body language and second because she had four children with her. Lucky for me prior to hitting Costco, on this Wednesday I dropped my 4 year old son Jack off at preschool, so I was footloose and fancy free for 5 whole hours, so being the adventurer I am I decided to go to Costco. Ok back to the tired mom in the line next to me. She looked like all of us moms, dressed in comfortable clothes, hair pulled back and that unmistakable look on her face that said to each of her four little angels, if I have to ask/tell you one more time to stop swinging the rope attached to the check stand you’ll be sorry! So at first I kind of laughed to myself fully aware that I would have the same look if I had either one of my little angels with me. Then I NOTICED…the not one but TWO carts she had filled with frozen and processed foods, prepackaged sugar laden drinks that had the word “organic” stamped across them, ya maybe organic sugar and 4 double packs of Wonderbread! I was in shock.
Now I understand that most people may reserve their moments of shock for the state of our State, the crumbling housing market or the current divorce rate in the US, but not me. I am passionate about REAL food and healthy living, especially when it involves children. So when I saw this mother of four with TWO carts full of pretty much everything you can find in the frozen section of Costco, pizzas, chicken nuggets, corn dogs, hot pockets, the list is endless AND boxes of the colossal bakery croissants and muffins, most weighing in at over 600 calories and 40 grams of sugar per baked item, I was not only shocked but saddened. Now I wasn’t coming from a place of judgment, but more a place of wonder. So then the reflection set in, and I started to think does she know better? Does she understand how you feed your children, especially when they’re young has a tremendous impact on their bodies and minds for life? I thought of all of the nice ways I could approach her and ask her if she would like some shopping and cooking support, but alas I checked out and left Costco that Wednesday with the inspiration to provide a resource for those who want it. So here is my first public blog posted recipe I hope you enjoy!
I thought I would start with a basic staple in my home and probably one of my very favorite meals, classic roast chicken. Nothing says Sunday like the most perfect roasted chicken! It is one thing my family has counted on for years. Every Sunday that it is at all feasible you will find a whole chicken either snuggly roasting in my good ole le creuset baker filling the house with its amazing succulent aroma, or you will find one outside turning slowly for the most perfect golden finish on the rotisserie. This is Sunday at the Craines!
The Craines Sunday Roast Chicken
1 (4 to 5 pound) roasting chicken
Kosher salt
Freshly ground black pepper
1 bunch fresh herbs (I like a mix of thyme and rosemary)
1 lemon
1 head garlic
1 tablespoon dried herbs de Provence
Butchers twine
1 tablespoon olive oil

1)   Preheat the oven to 425 degrees F.

2)  Remove the chicken giblets. You can save the neck if you want to make stock. I keep a freezer bag of necks in my freezer then I throw them all in the pot on stock making day.

3)  Rinse the chicken inside and out. Remove any excess fat flaps and pat the outside dry.

4)  Sprinkle ½ of the herbs de Provence and liberally salt and pepper the inside of the chicken. Lift the skin covering the breast and rub salt, pepper and the other ½ of the herbs de Provence on the breasts. Stuff the cavity with a bunch of fresh herbs, the lemon, and the garlic whole garlic.  

5)  Truss the legs together with butchers twine and tuck the wing tips under the body of the chicken. 

6)  Brush the outside of the chicken with the olive oil and sprinkle again with salt and pepper.

7)  Roast the chicken for 1 1/2 hours, or until the juices run clear when you cut between a leg and thigh. A meat thermometer should read 165 degrees when inserted into the thickest part of the thigh avoiding the bone.

8)  Do not touch the chicken, let it roast, you do not need to baste it at all. Remove the chicken to a platter and cover with aluminum foil for about 20 minutes. Slice the chicken onto a platter and serve.


  1. Bravo chef Nicole! I know many will be inspired by both your passion and cooking excellence! I look forward to recipes and stories to come...yum!

  2. Yay! Going to be saving all of your yummy veg-friendly recipes! I need some new ones to add to the rotation (and replace some of the running to the border trips...)

